作者文章: Fenng

阿里巴巴收购 Yahoo! 尘埃落定!

收购完成.应该是个双赢的结局.Yahoo! and Alibaba.com Form Strategic Partnership in China

Yahoo! will contribute its Yahoo! China business to Alibaba.com and the two companies will work together in an exclusive partnership to grow the Yahoo! brand in China. Additionally, Yahoo! is investing $1 billion in cash to purchase Alibaba.com shares from the company and other shareholders. The agreement gives Yahoo! an approximately 40 percent economic interest with 35 percent voting rights, making it the largest strategic investor in Alibaba.com.


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今天第一个看到的有意思的消息是 Novell 宣布 OpenSuse 计划.Novell 把 SUSE LINUX Professional 9.3 已经贡献了出来,当前在该站点上就是可以下载的.Novell 此举的目的应该是对抗 Redhat 的 Fedora 计划.相比之下,Novell 更雷厉风行一些.SuSE Linux 爱好者这下子有福了!

另一个不错的消息是网际快车(FlashGet)推出了 1.7 版本,而且针对中文用户免费了(去掉了广告条).免费而不是开源!不需要注册(只能运行在简体中文操作系统上)! 为什么不开源呢? 或许这样一款成熟的产品已经不需要开源社区的贡献了,也或许作者需要赚点美金,还奢求什么呢? 作者已经够大度了! 不满足总是不幸福的根源,为了幸福,要学会满足!

联想在收购 IBM PC 业务之后,并没有向某些人预料的那样走向死路,反而实现盈利,这个消息,加上百度上市,Yahoo!和阿里巴巴联姻或许会是国内 IT 业的一剂强心剂!


Buffer gets increase on the same SQL

同样一条SQL ,有的时候 buffer get 会暴增?! Oracle-L 中有人提了一个这样的问题

I have a batch process that executes individual transactions, normally
a transaccion e.g. a simple select would take 8-10 buffer gets but in
the batch processing it takes 45 buffer gets.

Zhu Chao (Chao_ping,这家伙现在一篇文章都不写,只能从邮件列表里看到他的踪迹) 给了一个解释

the job is processing some very hot blocks. So it always need to reverse back and find the CR block from buffer, so it will generate some more buffer gets for that execution.

如果是因为Hot Block 的原因,那么主要的症状应该是 Wait. 如果这个 SQL 在运行的时候数据已经发生了变化,那么为了维持一致性不可避免的会生成回滚,所以这个解释更为准确一些:

If a query does a consistent get on a block that has been changed since that query began or that had uncommitted changes at the time that that query began, then it is necessary to rollback those changes for read consistency. The consistent changes statistics counts the number changes rolled back. However, most consistent gets do not require any such rollback, and so it is normal for the number of consistent gets to be much greater than the number of consistent changes. This is reflected in the no work – consistent read gets statistic



Alibaba acquire Yahoo! China ?

Yahoo! 投资阿里巴巴? 阿里巴巴收购 Yahoo! 中国业务? 看看一个新闻可以有多少版本?

国外的新闻站点,都是从 Yahoo! 出发.恰恰和国内相反.国外的新闻给阿里巴巴的称谓有两个:一个是中国版本的 eBay ; 另一个是中国的 B2B 公司.都没有抛开”中国”这个限定词. 由此可能也可以看出来阿里巴巴的国际影响力.

福布斯英文站点头条:Inside Yahoo’s China Deal。给阿里巴巴的定语是:China’s biggest homegrown e-commerce company
