作者文章: Fenng


回顾一下。上周数据库有关的最主要新闻是Oracle发布了新的CPU(Critical Patch Update)公告:cpu-jan-2005_advisory。这是个累积更新,包括著名的安全更高 #68 的所有内容。公告中还提到了 Pete Finnigan,他发现了一个关于数据库Directory对象的安全问题:DIRECTORY OBJECT – Reading outside of the directory object,此外,他的BLOG站点专门针对Oracle安全,信息翔实,而且更新比较迅速。


关于 Dibian 的两幅图表

在一份调查报告上看到了两份图表。第一个图表是 Most Used languages in Debian 3.0 。让我感兴趣的是LISP这样的“化石”语言仍然占到一个比较高的分额。而Python这样的新型动态语言在系统软件中应用还不够广泛。其中的 SLOC 代表 Source Lines Of Code.

Most Used languages in Debian 3.0


Red Hat 电子杂志第三期

红帽子第三期电子杂志发布了。这一期最让我感兴趣的是 Coming soon to Enterprise Linux,有什么新功能会加入到 RHEL 中? D-Bus 将引入到企业版中.

What is D-BUS?
D-BUS is an IPC mechanism for sending and receiving messages across a common communications channel. At the protocol level D-BUS can be used as a peer-to-peer message transport for applications to communicate directly with each other. The real power of D-BUS comes from the bus daemons which act as routers for messages. There are two standard buses that a developer can rely on always being around. These are the system bus and the session bus.
The system bus is a global daemon that any application running in any context can use as a transport. It is a single point where applications can export services that anyone can use. Only one system bus daemon can be run at a time.
The session bus is a bus local to the current user’s session. It is used for communication between applications running within the same X session. For every login to X, a session bus daemon is started.



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用 Sql*Plus 创建批量文件改名的脚本



对照文件中前面的是就名字,后面的是新名字。可实际一看真正的文件名字,就傻了眼:文件名字都是类似:4930503541_1.png、4932503521_2.png 之类的,本来想用个Shell脚本来做,现在看起来,不好实现呀!
