2007 年我的 Wish List:
1) MacBook Pro。很喜欢 MBP 的大宽屏。用了大半年的小小的 Thinkpad X31,现在又想起宽屏的好来。苹果的简约设计我也非常喜欢。行动计划:用这个 Blog 广告费的收入来买。如果有人想买断我Blog一年广告费替我买 MacBook Pro 的话,我会非常欣赏贵举措的。
2) 去国外旅游一次。还没想好去哪里,成本低一点考虑的话,朝鲜合适。但怕去了回不来。不管去哪里,最好不要太累。行动计划:暂无。前提:锻炼身体,要不去哪里都觉得累。
3) Blog Google Pagerank 6。 一年大约有三次机会吧。能达到 7 是最好的。行动计划:现在就在写 Blog 呢。
分类归档: Geek
这是昨天从 MyBlogLog 统计结果 得到的一则奇怪的信息。用 Google 搜索 “技术高手”,得到的结果:
1 目前的桌面是:
2 这台是你的个人计算机还是公司或家人共享的计算机?
公司的电脑。 笔记本屏幕除了故障,暂时输出到台式机的液晶屏上。
3 这张桌布是什么?从哪儿取得的?
4 更换桌布的频率高吗?
5 桌面上有几个ICONS?
6 一堆档案和快捷方式放得乱七八糟的桌面,你看得下去吗?
我看不下去。没有快捷方式出现在桌面上。我习惯使用 Powertoys for Windows XP 的 Tweak UI 把快捷方式的箭头去掉。
7 有没有什么坚持点?
有。中文 Windows 字体默认使用 Tahoma。字号调整为 9 。尽量节省内存,不喜欢 XP 默认的花里胡哨的那个 Theme。
8 有为了填这份接力,还特地整理一下桌面吗?
在”网谈”的 Hung (我很好奇他的工作方式)
这的确是个比较无聊的事情,忙的话就忽略吧 :)
期待与总统会晤的 Oracle 技术专家(Meet with Me, Mr. President)
很多 Oracle 数据库技术开发人员应该都读过 Steven Feuerstein 的图书。Steven Feuerstein,这位 Oracle 技术领域内的 Guru,最近却正在进行一项很让有趣的计划:与美国总统布什会晤。
鬼才知道 Steven Feuerstein 怎么会有这样一个念头,他在 Blogger 上专门开辟了一个 Blog ,名字就叫做 Meet with Me, Mr. President,还有板有眼的一步一步的实施计划,开宗明义先说了为什么要与小布什会晤,嗯,会晤这个词更加符合他的语气 :)
Steven 说自己是美国公民,他纳税,税金支付总统的薪水,还有其他政府人员,从某种意义上说,他和其他纳税人是这些人的老板; 美国政府不是民主么,还是最为伟大的民主;总统又不是国王,看他一眼不会被判刑。所以,作为普通公民与总统会一面应该不是什么难事。他想与总统坐下来聊几个问题。(看起来合情合理)
也不是简单见个面握握手就行了,Steven 还有要求的:
1) 会谈至少半小时 ;
2) 无需单独会面,可以有其他人在场 ;
3) 要相互尊重。都是美国公民,在法律上一律平等;
4) 会谈可以被记录.
第一步,打电话联系白宫,被告知需要发传真申请,于是 Steven 发了一封包含如下内容的传真:
Why do I want to meet with you?
I will be very honest: I am not one of your supporters, politically. I strongly disagree with many of things you do and say. I don’t want to meet with you, however, in order to talk about our differences of opinion.
No, I want to meet you and spend a little bit of time talking to you, because I have also been extremely dismayed with how you have been presented through the media (the only way I have been able to directly experience you, to date).
If I had nothing to go by except for the newspapers, television and blogs, I would have to conclude that you are very friendly, but not very intelligent. People make fun of the way you talk, and your command of the English language. They say that you are a puppet pulled by Vice President Dick Cheney’s strings. They say you would rather take another vacation with your dog than actually buckle down to the tough business of running the wealthiest, most powerful country in the world.
I don’t like my President being portrayed that way, or to be that way. I travel to Europe a few times a year to teach software programmers how to write better code. I am continually shocked at the low opinion many Europeans have of my President. That is terrible, not only for you, but for America as a whole.
So I would like to meet with you so that I can be assured that the way the media covers my President is inaccurate and insulting.
I would like to meet with you so that I can experience first-hand your intelligence, compassion, sense of humor, and leadership.
9 月16 日,他收到了白宫一位助理的拒绝信,措辞很正规啊。期待 Steven 的下一步动作。哈。