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Cost Based Oracle – Volume 1

此前我曾经提到过,Jonathan Lewis 可能在写一本有关 CBO 的新书.最近从他的站点上看到,他的新书 Cost Based Oracle – Volume 1 就要出版了.

Volume 1 of Cost Based Oracle covers the fundamentals of Oracle’s optimizer. The topic is just too big for me to be able to tell you all you need to know about every possible circumstance and every version – but this book gets you going with 90% of what you need to know for 90% of the SQL you will write. Not only does it explain the models used, the calculations, and the things that can happen at run-time; it gives you scripts so that you can reproduce the test-cases on your own systems and see the changes that appear as you change parameter values, enable or disable features, add hints, or upgrade your version of Oracle.

Jonathan 的写作态度一向很严谨.相对来说,不算很高产的作家.但是他在 dbazine 上的每一篇文篇章都会引起很大的关注.他的代表作品当然是 Practical Oracle8i — Designing Efficient Databases .虽然有个 8i 的题目,不过这本书即使是在10g 快开始风行的今天仍然又非常大的参考价值.


OCFS 将出现在 Linux Kernel 中

最近看到一篇文章,提到 OCFS 将成为第一个添加到正式 Linux Kernel 中的集群组件:

Coming in future stable Linux kernel releases will be the Xen virtualization technology; Fuse, which makes it possible to implement a fully functional file system in a user-space program; and version 2 of the OCFS (Oracle Cluster File System), which will be the first clustering component to be added to the public kernel, Novell’s Kroah-Hartman said.


阿里巴巴收购 Yahoo! 中国之后的风险

在经过了几日的沸沸扬扬之后,阿里巴巴收购 Yahoo! 中国尘埃落定!.那些对阿里巴巴收购Yahoo!中国一事不相信、不服气的评论家们暂时闭上了嘴(有的是立刻改了嘴).虽然,更多的人认为这次收购对双方有益,但是我认为更大的风险还是在阿里巴巴的这边.

第一个问题是公司文化上阿里巴巴整合Yahoo的难度.众所周知,周鸿祎这个”野蛮人”在任的时候一度和原 Yahoo! 中国的”文明人”发生强烈的冲突,这种程度很大程度是公司文化和理念的冲突.据说:…上次雅虎中国被它收购来的3721接管,很多老雅虎中国的员工有种沉重的失落,绝大多数人选择离开。阿里巴巴和 Yahoo! 中国两种公司文化能否很好融合,这绝对是一个悬念.

第二个问题是阿里巴巴如何处理自身的股权问题.这个股权问题不是各个大股东之间的问题,而是普通员工股权的问题.有股权的员工和无股权员工之间的微妙关系如何处理? 是个艺术问题.公司早期的员工拥有大量纸上财富后的心态肯定不会和旧时一样的了,会对公司产生怎样的影响?还会踏踏实实的做小兵么?


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阿里巴巴收购 Yahoo! 尘埃落定!

收购完成.应该是个双赢的结局.Yahoo! and Alibaba.com Form Strategic Partnership in China

Yahoo! will contribute its Yahoo! China business to Alibaba.com and the two companies will work together in an exclusive partnership to grow the Yahoo! brand in China. Additionally, Yahoo! is investing $1 billion in cash to purchase Alibaba.com shares from the company and other shareholders. The agreement gives Yahoo! an approximately 40 percent economic interest with 35 percent voting rights, making it the largest strategic investor in Alibaba.com.


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